Mwy o Le Car

Wel ma'n dishgwl felse rhaid i fi wneud prawf ysgrifenedig a phrawf gyrru dydd Mawrth er mwyn bod yn gymwys o dan yswiriant y coleg sy'n crap rili! Wy'n cal gyrru fe nes bo fi'n cal y prawf sy'n oce spos, so bydd e da fi dros y penwthnos. So adolygu dros y penwthnos nawr ac ymarfer gyrru - gytid!


Looks like I've got to do the wirtten and driving test so that I can be included on the uni's insurance which is very annoying to say the least. At least I'm allowed to drive it in the meantime, or they didn't say I couldn't.....revision for me all weekend then I guess!!


Anonymous said…
Druan a ti! Sdim ots, siwr byddi di'n iawn. Cyfle i ymarfer dros y penwthnos. H xx

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