Penwythnos Tri Diwrnod!

Nos Iau gafon ni storm mellt a tharane a gwynt a glaw itha seriys! Odd e’n itha cyffrous a gweud y gwir. Wel on i fod i fynd i bigo ffrwythe bore dydd Gwener – ond dath Evelyn (y landlord) lan yn y bore a gweud bod i siŵr o fod ddim yn syniad da gan i bod hi dal yn wlyb da drad. Ond, dath hi a wye ffres lan i fi! Ma’i mab hi’n byw gyferbyn â ni (nhw sy berchen y llwyni ffrywthe), a ma da nhw dwrci (neu falle dou), ieir, geifr, gwydde a da! Odd y wye yn fach ac yn fowr, yn wyn, brown, glas a gwyrdd – sy’n neud i fi feddwl falle od wye gwydde mewn na falle.

Ma hi wedi bod yn ychydig o ddyddie od, bod yn America pan fod Farrah Fawcett yn marw bore dydd Iau o ganser, mond ychydig ddyddie ar ôl cyhoeddi ei bod hi am briodi. A wedyn yn hwyrach y dwrnod na ffindo mas bod Jacko wedi marw – odd e’n itha bisâr, a gallai ddim troi’rteledu na’r radio mlan heb weld rhaglen am y late great King of pop neu glywed cân MJ ar y radio!

So ethon ni i bigo bluberries (nawr wy eriod wedi gallu gwitho mas beth yw’r enw Cymraeg cywir am rhain – ma llysi duon bach yn enw Cymraeg ar blueberries bach – so os os enw Cymrag da chi, gadewch i fi wbod!), pnawn dydd Gwener am bron i ddwyawr. Ma lot fowr o lwyni na a biges i dunnell o blueberries. Lot mwy na bydden i byth yn gallu byta ben yn hunan yn ffres – so ath peth i’r rhewgell (dydd Sadwrn – ma angen gadel nhw mas dros nos ar ôl i pigo nhw iddyn nhw aeddfedu’n iawn), a pheth i Jeanne, a ma’r gweddill yn yr oergell – ond nai siŵr o fod rhoi rheina yn y rhewgell os na fyta i nhw, neu byddan nhw wedi mynd off erbyn i fi ddod nol o DC!

Dydd Sadwrn es i a Jeanne i wirfoddoli yn Amgueddfa Treftadaeth Cymry America yn Oak Hill. Oak Hill oedd un o’r llefydd cyntaf yr aeth y Cymry a ymfudodd yn 1818 i fyw ‘na. Hen Eglwys Gymraeg yw’r adeilad, a adeiladwyd gan y Cymry er mwyn addoli ynddo. Roedd yr eglwys yn llawn dop o wahanol eitemau Cymraeg a Chymreig yn dyddio mor bell yn ôl â’r 1830au, Beiblau, Llyfrau Emynau, a phlatiau a dillad ayb. Does dim a ir conditioning yn yr adeilad, ac ma hi’n glos iawn na. Mae Jeanne wedi bod yn poeni ers sbel fod y pethau sydd yn yr eglwys yn mynd i ddechrau cwympo'n ddarnau.

Daeth Menna Morgan, sy’n gyfrifol am y prosiect Cymry-Ohio (sy'n cael ei arianu gan Evan Davis ac a redir ganddi o’r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol yn Aberystwyth), draw llynedd ac ymweld â’r eglwys, roedd hi wrth ei bodd gyda’r cynnwys, ond fel Jeanne a fi, yn poeni am gyflwr yr eitemau sydd yno. Fi’n credu bod Jeanne yn gobeithio alla i helpu perswadio pobl bod angen gwario arian i gadw cyflwr pethau sydd yn yr amgueddfa. Mae angen o leiaf dehumidifier os nad peiriant cyflyru’r aer. Pe bai’r arian ar gael, byddai digon o waith i un person am tua dwy flynedd yn catalogio, amddiffyn a sortio popeth yn yr eglwys. (Mwy o lunie ar facebook)

Es i draw i dŷ Jeanne ar ôl bod yn yr eglwys a chyfarfod i Merched hi Erin a Megan a’u plant nhw. Prynhawn yn y pwll a wedyn bwyd yn y nos. Es i draw dydd Sul hefyd – tywydd gwych a chyfarfod plentyn arall Megan, a gwŷr y merched. Teulu hyfryd a chroesawgar iawn a phwll nofio gwych i ymlacio wrtho fe!

Mynd i DC dydd Mawrth (gyrru, fydd yn cymryd tua 9 awr aparentli!!), ond cyn yn ma rhaid i fi wneud y prawf gyrru ysgrifenedig waaa!!


Thursday night saw a massive thunder and lightning and wind and rain storm. It was rather exciting, though a little scary at times! I was supposed to go berry picking on Friday morning – but Evelyn (my landlord) came up in the morning and said it probably wasn’t the best idea because it was still rather wet. But she brought me some fresh eggs for me! Her son and his family live practically opposite us (they own the fruit bushes), and they have a turkey (maybe two), chickens, goats, geese and cows! The eggs were big and small, white brown, blue and green – which makes me think I might have had a goose egg maybe.

It was weird being in America when I read that Farrah Fawcett died on Thursday morning, only a few days after announcing she was getting married. What was even more of a shock was the death of Michael Jackson. At the moment you can’t turn on the tv without seeing a tribute to ‘the late great king of pop’.

So we went blueberry picking in the afternoon Friday afternoon for nearly two hours. There are so many bushes there it’s amazing! I picked about a million blueberries, more than I could ever use before they started rotting, so I put some in the freezer (the next day, because they need to be out at least overnight to finish maturing), gave some to Jeanne, and the rest are in the fridge – but I’ll probably put those in the freezer as well if I don’t eat them before we head off to DC, or they’ll have gone off by the time I’m back!

Saturday Jeanne and I went to volunteer in the Welsh-American Heritage Museum. It’s in Oak Hill, one of the original Welsh settlements in Ohio in 1818. It’s an old Welsh Church that was built by the Welsh at the time as a place of worship, built in the style of the Welsh churches that they had at home. The church was jam-packed with various Welsh items, Bibles galore, various books, hymnals and so many other bits and bobs that I just can’t name them all. There was sooo much stuff there it was ridiculous, they’ve never turned anything away and the place is heaving with Welsh memorabilia piled on top of Welsh memorabilia. There’s no air conditioning and it’s extremely humid, and Jeanne has been worried for a while that the things there will degenerate soon. Some things are in cabinets and very few things are in acid free sleeves. Menna Morgan who is in charge of the Wales-Ohio Project (sponsored by Evan Davis, and run from the National Library in Aberystwyth), had been over last year and was very excited about the contents of the museum, but worried, like Jeanne and I, about the condition of the items, and the lack of temperature control in the church. I think Jeanne hopes that I can help persuade people that there needs to be at least a dehumidifier in the church to help protect the items there, if an Air conditioning unit is too expensive. I think that there’s a two year project in the museum to sort and catalogue everything, and to make sure that they’re preserved – before anything gets destroyed. (pictures above and on facebook)

I went over to Jeanne’s house after the church on Saturday and again on Sunday afternoon; met her daughters and their husbands and their kids – a lovely welcoming and warm family. They also have a lovely pool which I’m ever grateful that they let me use!!!

Off to DC on Tuesday (driving, it’s 9 hours apparently), but before that – the written part of my driving test – help!


MicroJones said…
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MicroJones said…
Mae gen i benwythnos tri diwrnod.......tri diwrnod sydd im penwythnos..... ac os nad oes* tri diwrnod?

29 June 2009 12:21

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