
Newydd ffindo mas, trwy gyfieithu gwefan Canolfan Madog, mae eglwys annibynnol oedd adeilad Amgueddfa Treftadaeth Cymry America yn arfer bod. On i wedi dyfalu, ond ddim yn gwbod yn iawn. Wedi rhoi dolen i chi fynd i wefan Canolfan Madog, i chi gal gweld beth sy'n mynd mlan ma.

Wedi ffindo'r gwesty byddwn ni'n aros ynddo fe yn DC, edrych yn ffab, gyda phwll nofio tu fas a gym a chyfleustere i gysylltu da'r we (jest gobitho bo nhw ddim yn costio!!). Heddi wedi bod yn ddiwrnod hir am ryw reswm - a ma dal awr da fi ar ôl!

Yn ôl Google dylse hi gymryd oddeutu 7 awr i ni gyrradd DC sydd ddim yn rhy wael spos. On ni wedi edrych i fynd ar y trên, ond er bod digon o seddi ar y ffordd mas, dodd dim seddi i ddod nol gyda ni!


Whilst translating the Madog Center website, I discovered that the Welsh-American Heritage Musem used to be a Congregational Church, which I had guessed at but didn't know for sure! Also click on the link above to go and have a look at the Madog Center website - it has some interestin infromation.

Found the hotel we're staying at in DC, looks very nice, with an outdoor swimming pool and gym and internet facilities (just hpoe that I don't have to pay for them!!). For some reason today has been an extremely log day and there's still an hour to go!

According to Google, DC is about a 7 hour drive from here. we had looked into an Amtrak train, and even though there was room on the way out there were no seats on the way back!


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