Criw y Drindod

Co'r esboniad mewn e-bost ddaeth bnawn dydd mawrth am griw y Drindod yn tynnu mas o ddod draw.

Ma'n rhaid i fi fod yn hollol onest fan hyn a gweud bo fi yn wirioneddol hollol gytid a wedi siomi na fydd neb yn dod mas. A wy ddim ishe gwneud i neb deimlo'n wael, ond os oes unrhyw rai o'r criw odd yn mynd i ddod yn darllen hwn wedyn wy ishe iddyn nhw wybod pa mor siomedig odw i na fyddwch chi'n dod mas. On i'n dishgwl mlan yn fawr iawn at gael criw o bobl on i'n gwbod bydde'n siarad Cymraeg am un peth, ond am beth arall fydde'n fywiog ac yn llawn hwyl ac y bydden i'n gallu uniaethu gyda nhw.

Ta beth - ma gyfel i fi ffindo projest neu greu project yn hunan yn yr ardal, a nid dim ond helpu mas gyda'r criw ayb.

Achos hyn hefyd - dyw'n Nhymor y Gwanwyn i ddim mor strict. So os os unrhywun am ddod mas neu os ych chi'n dod mas o gwbl ma, gadewch i fi wybod a wy'n siŵr allai drefnu i ddod i gwrdda chi! Gadewch i fi wybod! A darllennwch yr ebost isod.

Dear all

I'm afraid that I have some bad news. I regret that the interest in the exchange programme with the prospective outgoing cohort has collapsed over the summer. I had a meeting towards the end of last week with the students to further discuss the application arrangements and procedures, but was taken aback by the general air of indifference and negativity in the room. I gave them the weekend to reconsider, to talk to their families etc., but I'm afraid that there has been no change since.

I think I mentioned before that I had suspected that one or two might have had second thoughts over the summer break, however this 'mass withdrawal' came as a complete and disappointing surprise. I'm not sure what is behind it, and in the fullness of time I will seek clarification, but I'm sensing that a 'domino effect' occurred, and that a couple of influential individuals within the group may have swayed others' opinions and intentions. Clearly this is a frustrating and disappointing situation from our point of view

I did mention that this particular cohort is a different one with a seemingly complex interrelationship. Given the golden opportunity that was presented before them, and the vibrant and glowing reports from the returning students. Having said that, there were some genuine reasons behind some individuals' decisions, in particular the current economic climate being a major and real factor, and a few with family issues.

I apologise therefore that, despite our best efforts to persuade them otherwise, it doesn't look as if there will be a cohort coming over next semester. I can only hope that this is a 'blip year' in what has otherwise been an excellent exchange programme, and that next year's students will be more appreciative of the opportunity.

I sincerely apologise for the work that has already taken place in relation to the planning of the programme for this academic year. Also the untimeliness of this withdrawal in relation to the recent appointment of Sioned Wyn at the Madog Centre. Maybe Sioned could visit us at Trinity at some point in the future in order to meet the current first year students.... I'll leave that idea with you for now.

In the meantime, best wishes to all concerned.

Cofion cynnes,



CERITH!!!!!!! said…
dyna! gobitho deiff rwy fath o project exciting o rwle i gymrid lle hwn!!
LlioLlio said…
wel am siomedig. ond dwi'n cytuno ero Cerith - mae o'n hynod ddoes sdi!xx

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