Diwrnod numero dos!

Heb dreulio cymaint o amser yn yr wyl heddi, dim ond popo mewn am bwyti awr. Wedi bod i amryw amgueddfeydd y Smithsonian sydd o gwmpas y mall.
  • Amgueddfa Hirshhorn - Celf modern, arddangosfa lawr llawr am y corff a distortion y corff mewn celf. Odd na lun grêt o Andy Warhol paent olew ar felfed.
  • Yr Ardd Gerfluniau - lot o gerflunie o Ewrop a Gogledd Ameria er 1880. Odd na gerflun gan Rodin The Burghlers of Calais na odd yn rili ddiddorol. Odd y tywydd yn hyfryd ac felly'n rili neis crwydro'r ardd.
  • Dillon Ripley Center - Crochenwaith Lowri Davies a chrochenwyr eraill o Gymru ar ddangos, gyda phlaciau yn Saesneg a Chymraeg ar y wal yn adrodd eu hanes!
  • Castell y Smithsonian - yr amgueddfa wreiddiol. Lot o arddangosfeydd bach yn dangos y gwahanol arddangosfeydd sydd wedi bod yn yr amgueddfeydd. Odd na baun gyda'i holl blu a set o lestr odd yn cael eu defnyddio ar y Concorde.
  • Washington Memorial - jest wâc o'i gwmpas, paratoade ar gyfer Independence Day yn mynd mlan.
Ma faint o wyrddni a blode a phlanhigion sydd ambwyti'r lle (beth ni wedi gweld hyd yn hyn yn DC) yn wych! Ma'n i gwneud hi'n neis i gerdded o gwmpas y ddinas. Ma hefyd bywyd gwyllt cwl ambyti fyd - wiwerod a lot o wahanol adar.

Dim byd lot arall heddi, i chi West-Wing-o-philes weles i number plate SANTOS 1, ond ges i ddim amser i dynnu i lun e yn anffodus!! Gethon ni fwyd yn Chinatown neithiwr mewn bwyti Thai hyfryd, ond odd na mwy na jest bwyd Asiadd yn yr ardal, so meddwl newn ni siwr o fod mynd na heno fyd.


Didn't spend so much time in the festial today, only an hour or so to have a bite and wander around a bit. Went to many of the Smithsonian museums about the mall:
  • Hirshhorn Museum - nmodern art, basement gallery about the distortion of the body in art. There was a great portrait of Andy Warhol - oil on velvet.
  • The Sculpture Garden - sculptures from Europe and North America from the 1880s and forward. There was a really interesting Rodin sculture - The Burghlers of Calais.
  • Dillon Ripley Center - Lowri Davies pottery and work by other potters from Wales.
  • Smithsonian Castle - the original museum. Lots of tiny displays depicting many past exhibitions. These included a peacock with all his feathers and a crockery set from the Concorde.
  • Washington Memorial - quick walk around - saw preperations for Independence Day.
The greenery around the area is amazing, including the variet of plants and flowers. There are also many wild animals including squirells!!

Not much more to say today, but to all West-Wing-o-philes out there, saw a SANTOS 1 number plate but didn't get the chance to take a picture unfortunately! We had food in Chinatown last night which had many different types of restaurants with cuisines from around the world.


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