O gwmpas DC ar fws

Dihunes i'n itha cynnar heddi bwyti 8am, cyn pawb arall, so odd da fi amser i ymlacio a darllen tamed bach cyn bo ni'n dechre ar ein hantur heddi!! Nethon ni benderfynnu pido mynd i'r wyl a mynd ar open top bus yn lle i weld y ddinas ar i gore. So co ni grynodeb bach o bopeth ethon ni off y bys i'w gweld a rhai pehte nopdweddiadol erill, sdim i'w weud am rhai pethe ond ma na am erill....
  • Jefferson Memorial
  • Lincoln Memorial - Wedi bod o'r blan ond ru'n mor ymêsing, golygfa wych dros y mall
  • National Portrait Gallery (on i ishe mynd i'r Spy Museum, ond ches i ddim chos odd neb rili moyn dod da fi a odd e'n mynd i fod yn awr o giwio cyn mynd mewn). Odd y llunie i gyd yn wych, llunie o Barack Obama a John McCain (ar wahan ar gyfer gwahanol photoshoots) yn 2004, odd yn rili ddiddorol. Portreadau swyddogol o'r holl arlywyddion odd yn cwl fyd.
Welon ni lot fowr o bethe erill o'r bys, a thynnu llunie hyfryd. Gethon ni fwyd mewn bwyty pysgod hyfryd o'r enw McCormick and Schmick's ges i eog blasus dros ben!

Odd yr holl atyniade yn llawn iawn achos i bod hi'n wylie swyddogol heddi gan i bod hi'n Independence Day fory.

Ar ol hyn oi gyd ethon ni mewn i'r wyl (wedes i bach o gelwydd jest gynne fach do fe!!) i wylio Catrin Finch a Cimarron yn perfformio. Ma Cimarron yn fand llinynnol (telyne, bas dwbl, maraccas, drwm, quatro, gitâr bach a chantorion) o Golombia. Odd cyment o bobl yn y babell odd rhaid i ni iste ar y llawr - odd y perfformiad yn wefreiddiol. Catrin yn seren fel arfer a odd y gymysgedd o offeryne yn wych. Trefnianne hyfryd o alawon gwerin Cymreig mewn arddull Colombaidd, bythgofiadwy!

Ni off gytre fory yn anffodus. Dyw'r ddwy arall ddim yn hoff iawn o lot o bobl na'r ddinas fawr ddrwg sai'n credu, a ddim ishe bod ar y mall yn gwylio tân gwyllt gyda lot o bobl erill wir! Sdim ots, wy'n siwr bydd angen gorffwys arna i!


I woke eraly this morning which was nice as I got to relax a little and read before starting the day! We decided not to go into the festival during the day and went on an open top bus around the city instead. We went around the whole circle, but got off at these stops...
  • Jefferson Memorial
  • Lincoln Memorial - I'd been before but it was well wirth going again, i't so amazing - including the view accross the mall
  • National Portrait Gallery (I wanted to go to the International Spy Museum but there was too long a queue to get in and it would have taken too much time, especially since it was only me that wanted to go). Pictures, photos and portraits were fabulous. Two photos of Baarack Obama and Joh McCain (taken seperately) in 2004 with really interesting stories behind them. Official Portraits of past presidents and various drawingss and paintings of them.
Took many picture of all the other attractions as well, it was a great day for photos. Had food in a fabulous little fish restaurant McCormick and Schmick's where I had a fabulous blackened salmon.

All the attractions were very ful because many families were taking advantage of the national holiday today because it's Independence Day tomorrow.

Afte this we went to the mall to watch Catrin Finch and Cimarron (harps, double bass, maraccss, drum, quatro, a small guitar and two singers), who are a Colombian band performing. There were so many people there we had to sit on the floor - the performance was immense. Catrin was her usual amazing self and the mix of styles and instruments was fabulous. Theyu did arrangements of Welsh folk songs with a Colombian twist and Colombian classics; an unforgetable performance!

We're off home tomorrow, so I'll upload the pictures to the computer, and I'll try to get into work to get an internet connection some end of the weekend!


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