dydd Sul

Wel ath y darllen yn dda ag ystyried bo fi ddim wedi cael LOT po amser i ddysgu dim byd! Fues i yn yr amgueddfa yn gwitho am bach ar ol ny. Ma na biano na (sydd mwy neu lai mewn tiwn nath yn synnu i!), so fues i'n ploncan ar hwna am sbelen - odd na lyfr cymanfa ganu so na le on i'n trial whare'r emyne ma i gyd, odd e'n itha doniol actiwali chos o fi ddim yn gallu whare'n dda iawn rhagor, ond wy'n mynd i drial ymarfer o nawr mlan!

Bopes i mewn i'r swyddfa ar y ffordd nol, ac on i'n gadel y swydfa bwyti 4, ac odd hi'n dywyll tu fas!! Odd storm ar y ffordd yn sicr! dechreuodd hi big bwrw ar y ffordd gytre, ac erbyn i fi gyrradd nol i'r fflat dechreuodd y mellt a'r tarane, on nhw mor agos odd y llawr yn y fflat yn shiglo! Ond sdopodd hi ar ôl bwyti awr ac odd hi'n lot llai clos wedyn.

Es i am fywd gyda Lauren i Toro Loco yn Jackson neithiwr. Odd e'n hyfryd, bwyd Mecsicanaidd ffresh hyfryd! Wy off draw i dy Jeanne nawr i nofio gan bod y tywydd mor hyfryd hihih!! Gobeithio bod pawb gytre yn ffain, a cofiwch hala neges neu ebost atai gydag unrhyw newyddion!


Well the reading went well considering I didn't have hardly any time to practice! Went to the museum afterwards for a while. There's an in tune (!) piano ther so I played some hymns from the gymanfa ganu book that was on the piano which was nice. I guess I can practice my piano there. I've let it go the past few years, and I guess now is a good a time as any to practice some!

I popped into the office afterwards to check some email etc, and by the time I left at 4pm it was practically dark ouside. A storm was a-coming! It started rsining lightly whilst I was driving home, and by the time I got into my flat the thunder and lightning came. It was so close and loud that the floor was shaking, it was pretty cool! It cleared the air, and it was lovely by the time I went with Lauren to the Toro Loco in Jackson for some fabulous Mexican food that night!

I'm off to Jeanne's now for a swim because the weather is gorgeous! Hope everybody at home is fine, and remember to keep me updated with any news or gossip you might have!!


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