ffilms ayb

Sdim byd lot gyda fi weud, ond wy'n moyn neud yn siwr bo fi'n cadw blogio'n weddol rheolaidd, neu fyddwch chi'n anghofio mod i yn gwneud. A wy'n gwbod bo chi'n aros yn eiddgar am bob postiad i gal gwbod be sy'n mynd mlan yn y mywyd bach i ar hyn o bryd!

Es i i weld The Proposal nithwr, gyda Sandra Bullock a Ryan Reynolds. Odd e'n rili dda, llai chick flick nag on i'n disgwl, bits bach itha cringey och chi'n llu gweld yn dod, ond nes i rili mwynhau! Wy wedi cal ordors i fynd i weld The Hangover, a wy rili ishe mynd i weld My Sister's Keeper, ond wy ddim yn credu i fod e'n ffilm i fynd i weld ar ben yn hunan, so falle nai aros nes i fod e'n dod mas ar DVD!!

Wy'n dal i aros am yr instalment nesaf o Brothers & Sisters (ond o leiaf nawr ma'r disgs wy wedi wocho wedi cyrradd nol at netflix yn Columbus yn saff!!)

Fi'n hynod hollol jelys o aelode o Gôr Caerdydd (ac eraill o ar draws Cymru a'r gwledydd celtaidd) sydd off i Asturias (yn achos Mam, Dad, Ieu a Gwenllïan, Gwawar a Huw a Rhian a Rhys Griffiths) sy'n mynd via Madrid heddi!! Grrrrrrr. Wy'n gobitho FALLE trial cwrdda'r côr yn Budapest, ond falle falle yw hwna rili!!

Bwriadu mynd i siopa am bethe i'r gegin penwythnos ma, gan bo fi wedi cael yn nhalu! Ma bron popeth i gal na, ond ma na gwpwl o bethe yn ishe! Hefyd ma ishe sgidie arno fi (onest!) mwy fel flip flops rili (gan bod y rhai nes i brynu wedi torri'n barod!!) - ond ma angen i fi ffigro mas beth wy'r gwahanol meintie cyn bo fi'n gallu mynd i unrhyw siop!!


I'm not sure if anybody ever reads this in English - so if you do, can you let me know so that I can either keep on writing bilingually or stick to just Welsh!

I went to see The Proposal last night, and it was really very good. Less like a chick-flick than I imaginied it would be, with quite a few laugh out loud moments!! I've been told I need to go and see The Hangover which I'm looking forward to doing, and My Sister's Keeper as well, which is supposed to be rather sad, so maybe I'll pass on that until it comes out on DVD!!

I'm also waiting on my next Brothers & Sisters installment to arrive (at least now I know the disks I sent back have arrived safe and well in the netflix base in Columbus!).

I'm totally jealous of members of Côr Caerdydd (as well as other people from across Wales and other Celtic countries) who are going to Asturias - hope everybody has fun in the sun!

Going to go shopping for some items for the kitchen this weekend, as well as buy some new flipflops as I broke the pair that I bought! I'll need to figure out how the different sizes work out before that though!!!


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