Eitemau wedi'u rhoi gan Dr Robert Burns. Items Donated by Dr Robert Burns

Cyfrannwyd nifer o eitemau gan Dr Robert Burns, Florida i Amgueddfa Treftadaeth Cymry America yn Oak Hill, Ohio. Roedden nhw'n perthyn i'w ddiweddar wraig oedd a'i theulu yn hannu o Gymru (fel ei deulu ef). Byddwn i'n ddiolchgar iawn pe bai gan unrhywun wybodaeth allai fod o help i ni ddarganfod gwerth (er mwyn yswirio, ac er mwyn dibenion treth Dr Burns) neu mwy o wybodaeth ynghylch unrhyw rai o'r darnau. Mae lluniau o bob darn o sawl ongl mewn albwm picasa, ac mae'r albwm i'w gweld fan hyn. Hyd yn oed os nag oes gwybodaeth gyda chi, edrychwch ar y llunie ma nhw'n ddiddorol iawn, a ma'n siwr bod rhywbeth na sy'n debyg i rhywbeth sydd gyda chi yn y teulu, a bydden i'n ddiolchgar iawn o gal gwbod am unrhywbeth fel na! Gadewch neges yn ymateb i'r blog, anfonwch neges twitter neu neges facebook neu anfonwch ebost atai sionedwyn@googlemail.com.
Falle bydde diddordeb gyda chi'n gweld y ddwy ddogfen ma fyd. Declaration of Intent Anne gwraig Dr Burns, a llythyr yn nodi nad odd hi am gael ei thystysgrif geni yn ôl gan eu bod nhw (y llywodraeth) am ei gadw fe! (y ddwy ddogfen ar y top). Joiwch a chofiwch roi gwybod os oes unrhyw wybodaeth da chi neu os odw i wedi cam-enwi neu cam-labeli rhywbeth!
Many items were donated to the Welsh American Heritage Museum by Dr Robert Burns, Florida. They were his late wife's an her family, like his, came from Wales. I would be very gratefull if you had any informaiton that would help determine their worth (for insurance purposes and tax reasons for Dr Burns), or any information about the pieces. There are pictures from all possible angles on picasa, and can be seen here. Even if you might not have any information about the pieces, take a look at the pictures because some of the pieces are beautiful and some are rather interesting, and maybe there's something similar in your fmaily. Share any information with me please, I'm looking for any ifnormation that could put a possible date on the pieces. Leave a message on the blog, msend me a twitter or facebook message or send me an email sionedwyn@googlemail.com.
You might also be interested in these two documents. Anne, Dr Burns' wife's Declaration fo Intent, and a letter from immigration stating that she would not receive her birth certificate back as they were keeping if for their records (both documents above by the Welsh part). Enjoy, and dont forget to let me know any information you might have, and let me know if I've mis-labled or name something wrong!!